Monday, September 21, 2009

Tiki Party!

For those of you who can make it, we're throwing a huge party on Thursday night (9/24) at The Alibi, Portland's oldest still-operating bar (and the most David Lynch-y experience you can get outside of Eastern Washington).

Think of it as a pre-wedding shindig ... Something to get us primed for Saturday!

It's an open party, so if you want to come, and you want to bring everyone you know, you should do most definitely do so.

Bring money for cocktails; eats are on us.

Party starts at 8:30 p.m., and just in case you can't read the poster Sally and I made, it's at The Alibi, 4020 N. Interstate Ave.

There may or may not be karaoke involved. Emphasis on the syllable "may."

Oh, and:

Punch and pie.